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Implementing the Croke Park Agreement

Implementing the Croke Park Agreement

Date: 23/09/2010

The main purpose of this meeting, held in a Dublin hotel on 23rd September, was to delve more deeply into the practicalities of the Public Sector ( Croke Park) Agreement and the mechanisms around it. The guest speaker, PJ Fitzpatrick, was well positioned to lead the discussion, being the Chairman of the Implementation Group for the Public Sector Agreement 2010-2014.

The meeting was a good one, with a useful open discussion taking place. In relation to implementing the Agreement, timing emerged as the real critical issue for CEOs in that it was seen as vital not to advance too quickly, or to lag behind. Some CEOS have already achieved a great deal at local level and there was some concern that these ‘early adapters’ could be penalised for their efficiency.