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Date: 18/06/2013

A General Meeting of the Association was held in the Chester Beatty Library on 18th June. In response to member suggestions, there was no guest speaker on this occasion. The meeting instead focussed on a number of matters of current interest to ACESA members such as

  • the Haddington Road Agreement;
  • International Conference follow-up and feedback on the engagement with the Secretaries General;
  • revised CEO contracts
  • Engagement with IBEC


29 members attended the meeting; there was a strong level of engagement and robust discussion.  60 per cent of participants found the discussion extremely useful and 20 per cent very useful.   There was a big welcome for this open session and a proposal that such meetings should be more regularly scheduled as a way of ensuring the members have the support they need.  The clear benefits of CEOs getting together to discuss relevant issues and share information was emphasised.