Date: 03/02/2016
This first meeting of 2016, entitled ‘Improving Board Skills and Effectiveness’ took place on Wednesday 3rd February 2016 in The Institute of Public Administration.
The Chair for the day was Ann Nolan, Chair of the the Civil Aviation Authority.
A combined total of 64 Chairs and CEOs attended the meeting, and 27 responded to the evaluation. Of these 21 % found the meeting extremely useful, 25% very useful and 37.5% useful.
The meeting focussed on and discussed
- Ongoing challenges in achieving effective Boards;
- Clarity between Board, executive and parent department;
- Chair/Chief executive relationship;
- Balance between requiring expertise at Board and experience and diversity – need for further thought in the recruitment of Board Members;
- Significant differences in corporate governance arrangements across public sector agencies
- One size does not fit all, so standardisation may be difficult
- Importance of IPA in terms of training and governance issues within public sector which is very different to private sector
- Relationships and communications between State Agencies and their parent departments are still problematic and may have been unintentionally exacerbated by the new state board appointment process.
- It is difficult for a State Agency to attract the attention or interest of its parent department unless a crisis involving that agency has arisen.
- Good Governance is something that has to be worked on, and the relationship between the Chair and the CEO is fundamental to this happening.