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ACESA Reports & Documents

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Martin O’Halloran, ACESA Chairperson.

The Association of Chief Executives of State Agencies (ACESA) strives to connect, develop and speak on behalf of Agency CEOs to increase the sector’s impact and efficiency. ACESA has long been aware of the need to provide background assistance and support to member CEOs, not just in terms of relevant knowledge but also in respect of the governance and accountability issues associated with their roles. CEOs are appointed from diverse backgrounds and experiences, and can benefit from guidance or support in relation to the most effective means of managing their organisations as well as developing an appreciation of the political and public sector environment in which they operate.

In developing this project the Association took on the challenge of identifying fundamental areas of the CEO role where information and guidance would be of benefit to both new and serving Chief Executives, for whom it is obviously vital to ensure consistency of approach and best practice. Once established, the Guide project team enlisted a Reader Panel composed of ACESA members prepared to reflect and comment on the chapters as developed, thus making the process as inclusive as possible and ensuring that the Guide is ‘owned’ by all members. Unlike other publications, this guide contains the distilled wisdom, knowledge and experiences of CEOs long practiced in the effective management of their agencies. The Guide also drew on senior staff in the civil and public service, including the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, where needed.

The CEO Guide is located on the ACESA website deliberately, to allow for ease of amendment and update. It has been developed chapter by chapter; as each chapter was completed, it was added to the site and indeed some chapters have already been revised since their publication to reflect our continuously changing landscape.

We hope that this Guide will contribute to leadership and governance practices of the highest standard across the sector. But our aim in issuing the Guide will be only met if Agency CEOs find it a useful structure within which to constantly refine and improve the way they deliver their services. It is intended that the Guide will remain dynamic and subject to regular updating – to remain relevant, it must be current – and it is hoped that members will continue to provide their feedback and suggestions for updates.

The project team has done an excellent job of developing the material and providing the inputs. ACESA would like to thank all the members who contributed their ideas and advice, and especially those who provided materials and quotes through the Reader Panel. I would, in particular, like to put on record my deep and abiding appreciation to Pat Whelan, the Project Leader, to Moling Ryan, whose idea this was at the outset and to Mary Rose Tobin, for efficiently managing the inclusiveness aspects of the entire process. Without their faith in the outcome of the project, it would not be where it is today.