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Agency Governance and Performance Structures

Agency Governance and Performance Structures

Date: 19/01/2010

The first ACESA event of 2010 was held in a Dublin hotel on Tuesday 12th January.

The invited speaker was Aidan Dunning (Secretary General, Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources), who had just commenced in his role as Chairperson of a project group on the Governance, Departmental Oversight and Performance Framework of State Agencies.

Mr Dunning explained that the project would focus on three main areas:

where existing and new functions could best be situated – in departments or in agencies;

how to help relations between agencies and departments;

how to improve performance and the framework of accountability.

As the Association had been offered an opportunity to contribute to the deliberations of the project group, this meeting provided an excellent scene-setting forum and resulted in a good exchange of ideas.