A New Data Governance Framework for the Public Sector: Your Role as CEO
Date: 15/12/2021
8am, Wednesday 15th December 2021.
This Best Practice and overall final event of 2021 focused on the responsibilities of CEOs in terms of data governance, and we were joined by Nuala Byrne and Annette Denvir from the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO)
Nuala and Annette spoke on the importance of the Data Sharing and Governance Act. They and its essential role in public sector bodies.
They highlighted the definition of data sharing and the need to carry out data sharing in according with the provisions of the Act. They spoke about compliance with the legislation, the mandatory s38 return and data sharing agreements.
Nuala and Annette referred to their work within the structures of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, the Data Governance Board, Data Governance Unit and Data officer Network as well as their role to advise on, promote and review rules around data governance.
The presentation was followed by a discussion and Q&A, moderated by ACESA Chair Pamela Byrne.
A PDF of the presentation made by Nuala and Annette can be viewed here: OGCIO Presentation ACESA 151221
A number of other documents are also available for download:
Guidance Note Data Sharing Governance Framework under the Data Sharing & Governance Act 2019